W&DCRA Central Committee

The Central Committee comprises the Officers of the Association listed below together with the Branch Masters, Branch Secretaries and Branch Central Committee Representatives from each of the three branches. The names of these nine people will be found on their respective Branch Committee page.

Association Master


James Mort
9 Lilburne Close, WORCESTER WR5 1TH

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General Secretary

Alison Hodge

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Assistant Secretary


Paul Mills

Treasurer - General Fund


Stuart D Piper
21 Portland Drive, STOURBRIDGE DY9 0SB
01562 883565

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Safeguarding Contact


Diane Awkati
4 Stone Lane, Kinver STOURBRIDGE DY7 6EG
07748 567911


Treasurer - Belfry Repair Fund


Stuart D Piper
21 Portland Drive, STOURBRIDGE DY9 0SB
01562 883565

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Clerk to the Trustees of the Belfry Repair Fund


Robin Walker
210 London Road, WORCESTER WR5 2JT
01905 353939

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Peal Secretary


Paul R Smith
102 Orchard Street, WORCESTER WR5 3DY
01905 350741

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The Revd David Hildred
30 Leswell Street, Kidderminster DY10 1RP
01562 743895

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Post Vacant

Representatives to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers

Our membership numbers allow us to send four people to represent this Association at the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR), one from each of the three branches as shown on the branch pages and one from the Association, elected at an AGM. All four CCCBR representatives sit on the Central Committee.

Fourth Representative to the CCCBR.


James Mort
9 Lilburne Close, WORCESTER WR5 1TH

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Belfry Advisory Panel

The panel members are appointed by the Central Committee at the first meeting following the Association AGM. For more information about the work of the panel and its membership please click on the link in the Menu Bar at the top of this page.

Document last modified 23-APR-2024