Bell Ringing at St Michael and All Angels, Brierley Hill

Church Photo

Bells 8

Tenor Weight 14-1-13

Practice Times Fridays 1945-2100 

Sunday Service Ringing By Arrangement

Location SO916868 SatNav Lat/Lon 52.47942, -2.12524 Map

Peals Felstead Peals


The door will be locked at 7.45p, anyone arriving late can ring the doorbell to be let in. If you would like to know more beforehand please ring Jenny Sunter on 07429 341174 or email b e l l s @ b r i e r l e y h i l l . o r g

Parking in churchyard. Access to the tower is via the external door leading to the kitchen in the north east corner of the church which then leads via the former north aisle to a stone stairway up to the north gallery and thence into the west gallery and from there into the ringing chamber. For security reasons the church has to be kept locked when all ringers have entered the building. The toilets are on your right as you enter via the door to the kitchen.

These fine bells are a vintage early John Taylor & Sons "five tone tuned" octave all cast at Loughborough in 1899. The church was built in 1765 and formerly had a complete Barwell eight in the tower. A short distance away is a steep flight of 8 canal locks known as the Delph with an abundance of pubs. The famous Merry Hill shopping centre is half a mile away and attracts visitors for miles around.


Visiting ringers or anyone wishing to learn to ring tower bells should contact the correspondent listed on this website.

All other matters relating to this Church such as Service times Weddings Funerals and Baptisms should be addressed to the local parish office. The telephone number and other details can be found via this link.

Checked July-2024