Bells 10
Tenor Weight 6-2-17
Practice Times By Arrangement
Sunday Service Ringing By Arrangement
Location SO851550 SatNav Lat/Lon 52.19286, -2.21879 Map
Peals Felstead Peals
The original set of six bells have been retained as a chime and a new ring of ten bells added lower down in the tower. Parking is Pay and Display only (even on Sundays) unless you are lucky enough to find a space in one of the few free parking street! Be careful not to misread any signs. There is a multi-storey Car Park is St Martins Gate.
More information about the bells and ringing times here and other city centre churches may be found at
Visiting ringers or anyone wishing to learn to ring tower bells can contact David Jenknis -
All other matters relating to this Church such as Service times Weddings Funerals and Baptisms should be addressed to the local parish office. The telephone number and other details can be found via this link.
Checked July-2024